What hair dye colour & style would you like to model (examples: Cute pink highlights, Brave money piece, Dramatic & Loved dipdye)?
Red tips would look dope IMO. I already have a dark blonde colour with a light reddish hue, so I think it'd fit. Pink could also be cute.
What's your current hair history (is it bleached, what brand/type hair dye have you used, etc.). Please be as detailed as possible :)
Not bleached, not dyed. all natural.
Do you have any experience with modelling or acting? Please upload photos/videos if so. If not, please upload photos/videos in which you show you are photogenic.
Experience with modeling, for artist promotional material (See photos)
Generally, what days/times are you available?
Wednesday, Friday, weekends. Can also reserve thursday (to allow wed to thu, or thu to fri) if told in advance.
Your instagram name or link to portfolio:
https://www.duncansteven.com/ https://www.instagram.com/duncandonuts.png/
January 29, 202522:16
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